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March 25, 2019 2 min read

We all dream, but they only start when we wield it .. with metal and fire...

My fire started months ago, but the wielding started today.  After numerous discussions, trial and error, waiting for part, the inner silicone mold finally started today.   This tedious process has resumed twice to accommodate the different ND filters that flooded the market. 

Designer, Pro-E CAD Specialists all sat around waiting for a decision, and my decision is to make sure the case must be tailored for all official accessories.  Some of the ND Filters that drastically differs from the Official DJI Filter will need to be let go.  We tried to be accommodating as possible, but a line must be drawn. 

We tested many major brands that we can get hold of (Polar Pro one takes forever to arrive in HK).  The numerous one from AliExpress has been tested.  My team started wondering if I can even recover the cost of buying all these filters to try, but one thing is certain: if I don't find it useful, my customer won't.  

The mold was stopped abruptly because we found a lot of interest in the Wide Angle Filter on the market.  Although the review for this filter isn't perfect, there are practical usage for some users, so the team has stopped the mold and changed Slot 4 to be bigger to accommodate the generic wide angle filter we are seeing in the market. 

The inner silicone mold is a beauty to behold since it is intricate.  Many of the opening is less then 3mm.  For some delicate opening, a process of called EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining) is required to etch the mold. It is a long and tedious process that takes up to 36 hours of continuous electric discharge that spark fire... 

the fire that wields this dream to life...

Chi Yan Chan
Chi Yan Chan

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